
Our research group has >110 publications, with several additional articles in process, and 3 books on EDI and education. "In preparation" works aren’t listed. These papers have accumulated around 16,200 citations and Kerr has an H-index of 53.

We try to make every contribution count in terms of scientific and societal benefit (i.e. NOT "minimum publishable units"). We work with media frequently and have contributed to policies and legislation provincially and nationally in Canada. Examples of impact include contributions to the Ontario Endangered Species Act, conservation commitments in the northern boreal regions of Canada, protected area planning at the federal level, specific policies and practices around equity, diversity, and inclusion, and issues around the recovery of science integrity in Canada. 

Scientific publication is in transition. We have often published our work using the "gold" open access standard, but associated costs have grown unsustainably and, frankly, the costs journals charge can become unsupportable on public research funds. We will shift, sometimes, to the "green" standard. While we continue to use social media, we are shifting toward Mastodon and decisively away from Twitter for ethical reasons. Mainstream media covers our work intensively and we are often asked to comment on developments in the news (e.g. COP15).


  1. Bretzlaff*, T., J. T. Kerr, C.-A. Darveau. In press. Handling heatwaves: balancing thermoregulation, foraging and bumblebee colony success. Conservation Physiology.

  2. Crandall*, K. E., J. T. Kerr, V. Millien. In press. Pathogen presence, prevalence, and diversity in Ixodes scapularis and mammal hosts at their expanding northern range limits. Frontiers in Parasitology.

  3. Crandall*, K. E., V. Milien, J. T. Kerr. In press. High-resolution environmental and host-related factors impacting questing Ixodes scapularis at their northern range edge. Ecology and Evolution.


  1. Gordon*, S., J. G. A. Martin, J. T. Kerr. 2023. Dispersal mediates trophic interactions and habitat connectivity to alter metacommunity composition. Ecology.

  2. Crandall*, K. E., V. Millien, J. T. Kerr. 2023. Historical associations and spatiotemporal changes of pathogen presence in ticks in Canada: a systematic review. Zoonoses and Public Health.

  3. Bretlaff*, T., J. T. Kerr, C.-A. Darveau. 2023. High temperature sensitivity of bumblebee castes and the colony-level costs of thermoregulation in Bombus impatiens. Journal of Thermal Biology 117: 103710.

  4. Newbold, T., J. T. Kerr, P. Soroye*, J. J. Williams. 2023. Bumblebee occupancy responds to complex interactions between local and landscape land use, climatic niche propertires and climate change. BioRxiv 2023.09. 12.557199.


  1. Crandall, K., J. T. Kerr, V. Millien. 2022. Emerging tick-borne pathogens in eastern Canada: New detections of B. odocoilei and R. rickettsia. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 11: 535-544.

  2. Ednie*, G., J. T. Kerr. 2022. High resolution thermal remote sensing and the limits of species tolerance. PeerJLife 10.

  3. Koppel, O., J. T. Kerr. 2022. Strong phenological shifts among bumblebee species in North America can help predict extinction risk. Biological Conservation 272: 109675.

  4. Flynn, A., J. T. Kerr. 2022. Inclusive teaching: from preparation to delivery. Pressbooks Open Library.

    (book published simultaneously in French)

  5. Gordon*, S., J. T. Kerr. 2022. Floral diversity increases butterfly diversity in a multitrophic metacommunity. Ecology.


  1. Bodner, K., C. Firkowski, Joe Bennett, et al. (incl. J. T. Kerr). 2021. Bridging the divide between ecological forecasts and environmental decision-making. Ecosphere.

  2. Sirois-Delisle*, C., J. T. Kerr. 2021. Climate change aggravates non-target effects of pesticides on dragonflies at macroecological scales. Ecological Applications 32.

  3. Soroye*, P., Newbold. T., J. T. Kerr. 2021. Multiple measures of biodiversity change make for the strongest analyses with historical data. Biological Conservation. 10.1016/j.biocon.2021.109217

  4. Kerr, J. T. 2021. Scientific integrity and environmental decision-making in Canada: a fragile renaissance. Pages 73-97 in DellaSalla, D. (ed). Conservation Science and Advocacy for a Planet in Peril: Speaking Truth to Power. Elsevier.

  5. Wilson, J. K., N. Casajus, R. A. Hutchinson, K. P. McFarland, J. T. Kerr, D. Berteaux, M. Larrivée, & K. L. Prudic. 2021. Climate Change and local host availability drive the northern range boundary in the rapid expansion of a specialist insect herbivore, Papilio cresphontes. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.


  1. Kerr, J. T. 2020. Racing against change: understanding dispersal and persistence to improve species' conservation prospects. Proc. R. Soc. B.

  2. Allen, M., A. Szozda, A. Flynn, J. T. Kerr. Remote teaching: A guide for teaching assistants. Pressbooks Open Library.

    (book published simultaneously in French)

  3. Cooke, S. J. et al. (incl J. T. Kerr). 2020. On “success” in applied environmental research — What is it, how can it be achieved, and how does one know when it has been achieved? Environmental Reviews:

  4. Flynn, A., J. T. Kerr. 2020. Remote Teaching: A practical guide with tools, tips, and techniques. Pressbooks Open Library.

    (book published simultaneously in French)

  5. Soroye*, P., T. Newbold. J. T. Kerr. 2020. Climate change contributes to widespread declines among bumble bees cross continents. Science 367: 685-688. Perspectives piece in Science by Bridle and van Rensburg: Discovering the limits of ecological resilience. Media in CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, CBC, Carbon Brief, National Geographic, etc. Full text here.


  1. Jeanson, A. L., P. Soroye*, A. Kadykalo, T. Ward, E. Paquette, A. Abrams, D. Algera, D. Demers, L. Epp, M. Giles, M. Litt, B. Manoucherhri, L. Masson, S. McBeth, A. Paradis, L. Pittet, J. Sebes, S. Steell, A. Thompson, P. Tremblay, E. Tuononen, J. T. Kerr, J. Bennett, S. Cooke. In press. Twenty Actions for a “Good” Anthropocene - Perspectives from Early Career Conservation Professionals. Sustainability Science.

  2. Stelbring, P., S. Pinkert, J. T. Kerr, C. Wheat, R. Brandl, and D. Zeuss. 2019. Colour lightness of butterfly assemblages across North America and Europe. Scientific Reports 9: 1760.

  3. Singh, G., V. Farjalla, B. Chen, A. Pelling, E. Ceyhan, M. Dominik, E. Alisic, J. T. Kerr, N. Selin, E. Bennett, A. Kemp, K. Chan. 2019. Research engagement in policy deemed societally beneficial yet unrewarded. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 17: 375-382.

  4. Zuloaga*, J., D. J. Currie, and J. T. Kerr. 2019. The origins and maintenance of global species endemism. Global Ecology and Biogeography.


  1. Acheson*, E., and J. T. Kerr. 2018. Nets versus spraying: A spatial modelling approach reveals indoor residual spraying targets Anopheles mosquito habitats better than mosquito nets in Tanzania. PLoS One 13(10): 

  2. Kharouba, H. M., J. Lewthwaite, R. Guralnick, J. T. Kerr, & Mark Vellend. 2018. Using insect natural history collections to study global change impacts: challenges and opportunities. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 374 (1763):

  3. Sirois-Delisle*, C., and J. T. Kerr. 2018. Climate change-driven range losses among bumblebees are poised to accelerate. Scientific Reports 8: 14464.  

  4. Goulson, D., (others), and J. T. Kerr. 2018. Call to restrict neonicotinoids. Science 360: 973.

  5. Soroye*, P., N. Ahmed, and J. T. Kerr. 2018. Opportunistic citizen science data transform understanding of species distributions, phenology, and diversity gradients for global change research. Global Change Biology 24: 5281-5291.

  6. Lewthwaite, J., AL Angert, SW Kembel, SJ Goring, TJ Davies, AØ Mooers, FAH Sperling, SM Vamosi, JC Vamosi, and J. T. Kerr. 2018. Canadian butterfly climate debt is significant and correlated with range size. Ecography 41: 2005-2015.

  7. Soucy*, J-P. R., AM Slatculescu, C Nyiraneza, NH Ogden, PA Leighton, J. T. Kerr, MA Kulkarni. 2018. High-Resolution Ecological Niche Modeling of Ixodes scapularis Ticks Based on Passive Surveillance Data at the Northern Frontier of Lyme Disease Emergence in North America. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 18(5):

  8. Frei*, B., E. M. Bennett, and J. T. Kerr. 2018. Cropland patchiness strongest agricultural predictor of bird diversity for multiple guilds in landscapes of Ontario, Canada. Regional Environmental Change 18: 2105-2115.


  1. Carroll, C., B. Hartl, G. Goldman, D. J. Rohlf, A. Treves, J. T. Kerr, E. Ritchie, R. Kingsford, K. Gibbs, M. Maron, and J. Watson. 2017. Defending the scientific integrity of conservation-policy processes. Conservation Biology 31(5): Covered in The Atlantic, Canadian Geographic.

  2. Baum, J. K., M. Dodd, K. Tietjen, J. T. Kerr. 2017. Restoring Canada’s competitiveness in fundamental research: the view from the bench. Global Young Academy. Ottawa, Canada. 104pp. Supporting infographics here and here Report coverage in ScienceNatureGlobe and MailToronto StarOttawa CitizenTimes Higher EducationThe Scientist, Research Money, elsewhere. AAAS Podcast here

  3. Kerr, J. T. 2017. A cocktail of poisons. Science 356(6345): 1331-1332. Coverage in EconomistLe MondeEl MundoScience, The Guardian, etc. 

  4. Pettorelli, N., et al. (incl. J. T. Kerr). 2017. Satellite remote sensing of ecosystem function: opportunities, challenges, and the way forward. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 2: 122-131.

  5. Robillard*, C. and J. T. Kerr. 2017. Assessing the shelf life of cost-efficient conservation plans for species at risk across gradients of agricultural land-use. Conservation Biology 31: 837-847.

  6. Desrochers*, R., A. Algar, D. J. Currie, and J. T. Kerr. 2017. Using regional patterns for predicting local temporal change: a test by natural experiment in the Great Lakes bioregion, Ontario, Canada. Diversity and Distributions 23: 261-271.

  7. Lewthwaite*, J., D. Debinski, and J. T. Kerr. 2017. Temperature as the main driver for spatial and temporal turnover in Canadian butterfly species. Global Ecology and Biogeography 26: 459-471.

  8. Prudic, K. L., K. P. McFarland, J. C. Oliver, R. A. Hutchinson, E. C. Long, J. T. Kerr, M. Larrivée. 2017. eButterfly: Leveraging massive online citizen science for butterfly conservation. Insects 8(2): 53.


  1. Coristine*, L., R. Soares*, P. Soroye*, and J. T. Kerr. 2016. Dispersal limitation, climate change, and practical tools for butterfly conservation in intensively used landscapes. Natural Areas Journal 36: 440-452.

  2. Donaldson, M., N. Burnett, D. Braun, C. Suski, S. Hinch, S. Cooke, and J. T. Kerr. 2016. Taxonomic bias and international biodiversity conservation research. FACETS 1: 105-113. (Covered by Ottawa Citizen, Fulcrum, Hakai Magazine)

  3. Pettorelli, N., et al. (incl. J. T. Kerr). 2016. Framing the concept of satellite remote sensing essential biodiversity variables: challenges and future directions. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 2(3): 122-131. (Covered by Science News, EurekAlert, etc.)

  4. Zuloaga*, J., and J. T. Kerr. 2016. Over the top: do thermal barriers along elevation gradients limit biotic similarity? Ecography 40(4): 478-486.  Data and supplemental materials: ECOG-01764.


  1. Kerr J. T., Pindar* A, Galpern* P, Packer L, Roberts SM, Rasmont P, Schweiger O, Colla SR, Richardson LL, Wagner DL, Gall LF, Sikes DS, Pantoja A. 2015. Relocation risky for bumblebee colonies - Reply. Science 350: 287.

  2. Kerr J. T., Pindar* A, Galpern* P, Packer L, Roberts SM, Rasmont P, Schweiger O, Colla SR, Richardson LL, Wagner DL, Gall LF, Sikes, DS., Pantoja A. 2015. Climate change impacts on bumblebees converge across continents. Science 349: 177-180. Supporting multimedia materials streamed here. Science Latest News here. Nature News and Views here. International media coverage listed partially on “News and Public Science” link on this site. One of the 5 highest profile publications worldwide for July 2015. Data from: Climate change impacts on bumblebees converge across continents. Dryad Digital Repository.

  3. Coristine*, L., and J. T. Kerr. 2015. Climate-induced geographical shifts among passerines: contrasting processes along poleward and equatorward range margins.  Ecology and Evolution. Covered in CBC’s Quirks and Quarks, and on a number of radio programs.

  4. Acheson*, E., A. Plowright*, and J. T. Kerr. 2015. Where have all the mosquito nets gone? Spatial modelling reveals mosquito net distributions across Tanzania do not target optimal Anopheles mosquito habitats. Malaria Journal 14: 322. Covered by The Fulcrum.

  5. Robillard*, C., L. Coristine*, R. Soares*, and J. T. Kerr. 2015. Facilitating climate change-induced range shifts through a continental land use barrier. Conservation Biology 29: 1586-1595. Discussed in Conservation Corridor

  6. Acheson*, E. S., and J. T. Kerr. 2015. Looking forward by looking back: Using historical calibration to improve forecasts of human disease vector distributions. Vector-borne and Zoonotic Diseases 15: 173-183.


  1. Coristine*, L.E., C.M. Robillard*, J. T. Kerr, C.M. O’Connor, D. Lapointe and S.J. Cooke.  2014.  A conceptual framework for the emerging discipline of conservation physiology.  Conservation Physiology 2.

  2. Boucher-Lalonde, V., J. T. Kerr, and D. J. Currie. 2014. Does climate limit species richness by limiting individual species' ranges? Proceedings of the Royal Society B 281: Media attention here, and from CBC here

  3. Kharouba, H. M., S. Paquette, J. T. Kerr, and M. Vellend. 2014. Predicting the sensitivity of butterfly phenology over the past century. Global Change Biology 20: 504-514. Press attention from Conservation MagazineEnvironmental news network, etc.


  1. Faith, D., B. Collen, A. Arino, P. Koleff, J. Guinotte, J. T. Kerr, and V. Chavan. 2013. Bridging the biodiversity data gaps: recommendations to meet users' data needs. Biodiversity Informatics 8: 41-58.

  2. Colla, S., N. Szabo*, L. Gall, D. Wagner, and J. T. Kerr. 2013. Response to Stevens and Jenkins pesticide impacts on bumblebees: a missing piece. Conservation Letters 6: 215-216.

  3. J. T. Kerr, and S. Dobrowski. 2013. Predicting the impacts of global change on species, communities, and ecosystems: it takes time. Global Ecology and Biogeography 22: 261-263. Special Issue organized by Dobrowski and Kerr. (The most downloaded article of 2013 for the journal) 

  4. Leroux*, S., M. Larrivee*, V. Boucher-Lalonde, A. Hurford, J. Zuloaga*, J. T. Kerr, and F. Lutscher. 2013. Mechanistic models for the spatial spread of species under climate change. Ecological Applications 23:815-828. Faculty of 1000 selection.

  5. Leroux*, S., and J. T. Kerr. 2013. Land-use development in and surrounding protected areas at the wilderness frontier. Conservation Biology 27(1).


  1. Larrivee*, M., and J. T. Kerr. 2012. Eastern Canadian butterfly range expansions. Bulletin of the Entomological Society of Canada 44(3): 133-137.

  2. Bedford*, F., R. J. Whittaker, and J. T. Kerr. 2012. Systemic range shift lags among a pollinator species assemblage following rapid climate change. Botany 90(7): 587-597. (special issue on pollination and conservation).

  3. Davila, Y. C., E. Elle, J. C. Vamosi, L. Hermanutz, J. T. Kerr, C. J. Lortie, A. R. Westwood, T. S. Woodcock, and A. Worley. 2012. Ecosystem services of pollinator diversity: a review of the relationship with pollen limitation of plant reproduction. Botany 90(7): 535-543.(special issue on pollination and conservation).

  4. Szabo*, N. D., S. R. Colla, D. L. Wagner, L. F. Gall, and J. T. Kerr. 2012. Do pathogen spillover, pesticide use, or habitat loss explain recent North American bumblebee declines? Conservation Letters 5: 232-239.


  1. Whittaker, R. J., and J. T. Kerr. 2011. In search of general models in evolutionary time and space. Journal of Biogeography 38: 2041-2042.

  2. Algar*, A. C., J. T. Kerr, D. J. Currie. 2011. Quantifying the importance of regional and local filters for community trait structure in tropical and temperate regions. Ecology 92: 903-914.

  3. Burke*, R., J. Fitzsimmons*, and J. T. Kerr. 2011. A mobility index for Canadian butterfly species based on experts' knowledge. Biodiversity & Conservation 20: 2273-2295. (PDF)

  4. Coristine*, L., and J. T. Kerr. 2011. Habitat loss, climate change, and their implications for the conservation of biodiversity in Canada. Canadian Journal of Zoology 89: 435-451.   (PDF)

  5. Desrochers*, R., J. T. Kerr, and D. J. Currie. 2011. How, and how much, natural cover loss increases species richness. Global Ecology and Biogeography 20: 857-867.  (PDF)

  6. Kerr, J. T., M. Kulkarni*, and A. Algar*. 2011. Integrating theory and predictive modelling for conservation research. Predictive Species and Habitat Modeling in Landscape Ecology pp.9-28.


  1. Kulkarni*, M., R. Desrochers*, J. T. Kerr. 2010. High resolution niche models of malaria vectors in Northern Tanzania: a new capacity to predict malaria risk? PLoS One 5(2): E9396.

  2. Kharouba*, H. M., J. T. Kerr. 2010. Just passing through: Global change and the conservation of biodiversity in protected areas. Biological Conservation 143: 1094-1011.

  3. Fitzsimmons*, J., S. Schoustra, J. T. Kerr, R. Kassen. 2010. Population consequences of mutational events: effects of antibiotic resistance on the r/K trade-off. Evolutionary Ecology 24(1): 227-236.


  1. Szabo*, N., Algar*, A. C., and J. T. Kerr. 2009. Reconciling topographic and climatic effects on widespread and range-restricted species richness. Global Ecology and Biogeography 18: 735-744.

  2. Algar*, A. C., H. M. Kharouba*, E. R. Young*, and J. T. Kerr. 2009. Predicting the future of species diversity: macroecological theory, climate change, and direct tests of alternate forecasting methods. Ecography 32: 22-33.

  3. Svenning, J.-C., J. T. Kerr, and C. Rahbek. 2009. Predicting future shifts in species diversity. Ecography 32: 3-4.

  4. Bini et al. 2009. Coefficient shifts in geographical ecology: an empirical evaluation of spatial and non‐spatial regression. Ecography 32: 193-204.

  5. Kharouba*, H. M., A. C. Algar*, and J. T. Kerr. 2009. Historically calibrated predictions of butterfly species' range shift using global change as a pseudo-experiment. Ecology 90: 2213-2222.

  6. Nativi, S., P. Mazzetti, H. Saarenmaa, J. T. Kerr, and E. O’Tuama. 2009. Biodiversity and climate change use scenarios framework for the GEOSS interoperability pilot process. Ecological Informatics 4:23-33.

  7. Algar*, A. C., J. T. Kerr, and D. J. Currie. 2009. Evolutionary constraints on regional faunas: whom, but not how many. Ecology Letters 12: 57-65.


  1. Kharouba*, H. M., J. L. Nadeau*, E. Young*, and J. T. Kerr. 2008. Using species distribution models to effectively conserve biodiversity into the future. Biodiversity 9: 39-47. (PDF)

  2. Currie, D. J. and J. T. Kerr. 2008. Tests of the Mid-Domain Hypothesis: A Review of the Evidence. Ecological Monographs 78: 3-18. (PDF)

  3. Field, R., Hawkins, Cornell, Currie, Diniz-Filho, Guegan, Kaufman, J. T. Kerr, Mittelbach, Oberdorff, O'Brien, and Turner. 2008. Spatial species richness richness gradients across scales: a meta-analysis. Journal of Biogeography.


  1. Kerr, J. T., H. M. Kharouba*, and D. J. Currie. 2007. The macroecological contribution to global change solutions. Science 316: 1581-1584.

  2. Currie, D. J., and J. T. Kerr. 2007. Testing, as opposed to supporting, the Mid-domain Hypothesis: a reply to Lees and Colwell. Ecology Letters 10: E9-E10.

  3. Nativi, S., P. Mazzetti, H. Saarenmaa, J. T. Kerr, H. Kharouba, E. O Tuama, & S.J.S. Khalsa. 2007. Predicting the impact of climate change on biodiversity - a GEOSS scenario. The Full Picture. Published by Tudor Rose Press for Group on Earth Observations: pp.262-264. (PDF)

  4. Hawkins, B. A., J.A.F. Diniz-Filho, L. M. Bini, M. B. Araujo, R. Field, J. Hortal, J. T. Kerr, C. Rahbek, M. Rodriguez, N. J. Sanders. 2007. Metabolic theory and diversity gradients: where do we go from here? Ecology 88: 1898-1902.

  5. Hawkins, B. A., Fabio S. Albuquerque, Miguel B. Araújo, Jan Beck, Luis Mauricio Bini, Francisco J. Cabrero-Sañudo, Isabel Castro-Parga, José Alexandre Felizola Diniz-Filho, Dolores Ferrer-Castán, Richard Field, José F. Gómez, Joaquín Hortal, J. T. Kerr, Ian J. Kitching, Jorge L. León-Cortés, Jorge M. Lobo, Daniel Montoya, Juan Carlos Moreno, Miguel Á. Olalla-Tárraga, Juli G. Pausas, Hong Qian, Carsten Rahbek, Miguel Á. Rodríguez, Nathan J. Sanders, and Paul Williams. 2007. A global evaluation of metabolic theory as an explanation for terrestrial species richness gradients. Ecology 88: 1877-1888. Listed as a Faculty of 1000 top paper.

  6. White*, P.J., and J. T. Kerr. 2007. Human impacts on environment-diversity relationships: evidence for biotic homogenization from butterfly species richness patterns. Global Ecology and Biogeography 16, 290-299.

  7. Kerr, J. T., and H. M. Kharouba*. 2007. Climate change and conservation biology. Theoretical Ecology, 3rd edition, R.M. May and A. Maclean, editors. Book home page at Oxford University Press here. Reviewed in Science.

  8. Algar*, A. C., J. T. Kerr, and D. J. Currie. 2007. A test of Metabolic Theory as the mechanism underlying broad-scale species richness gradients. Global Ecology and Biogeography 16: 170-178.


  1. White*, P.J., and J. T. Kerr. 2006. Contrasting spatial and temporal global change impacts on butterfly species richness during the 20th century. Ecography 29: 908-918.

  2. Kerr, J. T., M. Perring*, and D. J. Currie. 2006. The missing Madagascan mid-domain effect. Ecology Letters 9: 149-159.

  3. Deguise*, I., and J. T. Kerr. 2006. Protected areas and prospects for endangered species conservation. Conservation Biology 20: 48-55. (PDF)

  4. Olthof, I., D. Pouliot, R. Fraser, A. Clouston, S. Wang, W. Chen, J. Orazietti, J. Poitevin, D. McLennan, J. Kerr, & M. Sawada. 2006. Using satellite remote sensing to assess and monitor ecosystem integrity and climate change in Canada's National Parks. Proceedings of the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2006. (PDF)


  1. Kerr, J. T., and J. Cihlar. 2004. Land use mapping. Encyclopedia of Social Measurement. Elsevier. pp. 441-451.


  1. Kerr, J. T., and I. Deguise*. 2004. Habitat loss and the limits to endangered species recovery. Ecology Letters 7: 1163-1169.

  2. Currie, D. J., G. G. Mittelbach, H. V. Cornell, R. Field, J.-F. Guegan, B. A. Hawkins, D. M. Kaufman, J. T. Kerr, T. Oberdorff, E. O'Brien, J. R. G. Turner. 2004. Predictions and tests of climate‐based hypotheses of broad‐scale variation in taxonomic richness. Ecology Letters 7(12): 1121-1134.

  3. Kerr, J. T. and J. Cihlar. 2004. Patterns and causes of species endangerment in Canada. Ecological Applications 14: 743-753.


  1. Kerr, J. T., and M. Ostrovsky. 2003. From space to species: ecological applications for remote sensing. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 18: 299-305. (PDF)

  2. Hawkins, B. A., R. Field, H. V. Cornell, D. J. Currie, J.-F. Guegan, D. M. Kaufman, J. T. Kerr, G. G. Mittelbach, T. Oberdorff, E. E. Porter, and J. R. G. Turner. 2003. Energy, water, and broad-scale geographic patterns of species richness. Ecology 84: 3105-3117.

  3. Cihlar, J., B. Guindon, J. Beaubien, R. Latifovic, D. Peddle, M. Wulder, R. Fernandes, and J. T. Kerr. 2003. From need to product: a methodology for completing a land cover map of Canada with Landsat data. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 29: 171-186.

  4. Kerr, J. T., and J. Cihlar. 2003. Land use and land use intensity estimation in Canada from SPOT4/VEGETATION and ancillary data. Global Ecology and Biogeography 12: 161-172. (PDF.)

2002 and before

  1. Kerr, J. T. and T. V. Burkey. 2002. Endemism, diversity, and the threat of tropical moist forest extinctions. Biodiversity and Conservation 11: 695-704.

  2. Kerr, J. T., T. R. E. Southwood, and J. Cihlar. 2001. Remotely sensed habitat diversity predicts butterfly species richness and community similarity in Canada. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98: 11365-11370.

  3. Kerr, J. T. 2001. Global biodiversity: From description to understanding. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 16: 424-425.

  4. Kerr, J. T. 2001. Butterfly species richness patterns in Canada: energy, heterogeneity, and the potential consequences of climate change. Conservation Ecology 5: 10. URL:

  5. Kerr, J. T., A. Sugar, and L. Packer. 2000. Indicator taxa, rapid biodiversity assessment, and nestedness in an endangered ecosystem. Conservation Biology 14: 1726-1734.

  6. Kerr, J. T., and D. J. Currie. 1999. The relative importance of evolutionary and environmental controls on broad-scale patterns of species richness in North America. EcoScience 6: 329-337.

  7. Currie, D. J., J. T. Kerr, and A. Francis. 1999. Some general propositions about the study of spatial patterns of species richness. EcoScience 6: 392-399. (PDF)

  8. Sugar, A., Finnamore, A., Goulet, H., Cummings, G., Kerr, J. T., De Giusti, M., and Packer, L. 1999. A preliminary survey of Symphytan and Aculeate hymenoptera from oak savannas in southern Ontario. Proceedings of the Ontario Entomological Society 129: 9-18. (

  9. Kerr, J. T., and L. Packer. 1999. The environmental basis of North American species richness patterns among Epicauta (Coleoptera: Meloidae). Biodiversity and Conservation 8: 617-628. (PDF)

  10. Kerr, J. T. 1999. Weak links: ‘Rapoport's rule’ and large‐scale species richness patterns. Global Ecology and Biogeography 8: 47-54. (PDF)

  11. Kerr, J. T., R. Vincent, and D. J. Currie. 1998. Lepidopteran richness patterns in North America. EcoScience 5: 448-453.

  12. Kerr, J. T., & L. Packer. 1998. The Impact of Climate Change on Mammal Diversity in Canada. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 49: 261-268. (PDF)

  13. Kerr, J. T., & L. Packer. 1997. Habitat heterogeneity as a determinant of mammal species richness in high energy regions. Nature 385: 252-254. (PDF)

  14. Kerr, J. T. 1997. Species richness, endemism, and the choice of areas for conservation. Conservation Biology 11: 1094-1100. (PDF)

  15. Kerr, J. T., & D. J. Currie. 1995. Effects of human activity on global extinction risk. Conservation Biology 9: 1528-1538. (PDF)